“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”  Socrates

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”  Viktor Frankl

We are energy. If we are energy why don’t we tend to our energetic self? How do we tend to ourselves energetically?

We were never taught how to honor and cultivate the well being of our energetic body. I'm not talking about expending effort, but on tuning inward to the energy circulating through your body, producing feelings of wellness or unrest.

When we take the time to sit still we can better access this energy and use its guidance for any given moment. At the beginning it takes time to just sit still and that is the perfect place to start. Once there, you can access how your body is feeling, is it tight, is it heavy, is it constricted or is it relaxed and comfortable. After being able to sit still and notice, we move into understanding of where we are and what that feels like and allow the feeling. When we listen to our energetic body in this way we receive guidance and with that guidance we can move more fully and authentically into who we really are. Our mood is better, we treat others more kindly, including ourselves, we tend to see good in places we never had before and the magical journey begins.

If we look inward, notice, feel, then we gain the understanding of what we need to do to honor and cultivate our well being. This is where we gain the insight and ability to make changes that serve us better, that make us feel alive and true to ourselves.

Try this…

Step 1- Sit in stillness - this may not come naturally or be comfortable at first but once you are tuned in you can access this guidance.

Step 2 -Notice how your body feels.

Step 3 - Sit with the feeling as if you are holding the hand of a friend in need.

Step 4 - Use what your feeling as guidance in caring for yourself, whether it be a hug, a reassurance of love of self by gentle and loving self talk and allow the emotion to have space in you without judging it.

Step 5 - Thank yourself for listening in and acknowledging your energetic teacher.

If this resonates with you, let’s connect!





Change takes Commitment