It is easy to become a default creator of our days when we let the unconscious mind take the lead. When we pre-pave our path through our conscious mind we set ourselves up for fulfilling and enriching experiences that allow us to grow and respond in ways we feel good about.

We cannot control many of life’s situations and circumstances, still, we have the power to choose how we respond. Our response is either aligned with learning, growing, and connecting, OR rejecting, defending, and alienating ourselves and the others we are interacting with.

I think we can all agree it sounds more satisfying to be connecting, growing, and learning rather than rejecting, defending, and alienating ourselves.

It is easier to do than you think by simply using your emotions to guide you.

Our words and thoughts carry an energetic frequency. This frequency is either aligned to love or fear. We will know we are aligned to our highest good when we FEEL good about the thoughts we are thinking and the words we are choosing.

Think of our thoughts and words as an energetic blueprint to build every experience of our day.  If we sent our architect a design to work from and left out all the dimensions, color, window placement, and size…, what was built could be completely different than what we wanted. This same premise holds with our words and thoughts. If we are walking into our day and just hoping for the best, hoping people smile, our coworkers are pleasant, the traffic is light, and the sun is shining we have outsourced our well-being to happenstance. When we decide ahead of time from our conscious mind what we want to feel and what thoughts support that feeling as we move through our day we deliberately align ourselves to a precise blueprint of what we are looking for. When we do this we help direct our brain toward connection, growth, and aligned action and get to feel good from deliberately creating!

This is fun and easy to do if you make a game of it!  Step out of the game of Battle Ship where you are getting hit and sunk and into the game of Candyland where the path is bright and there are delightful treats along the way!

If this resonates with you and you are eager to be a more deliberate creator, let's connect!!

Much love, 



The Power of Thoughts and Words
