The Power of Thoughts and Words

"There is no neutral thought. Every thought you have either brings peace or war; either love or fear."A Course in Miracles

Every day, we engage in an endless stream of thoughts. These thoughts are incredibly powerful. According to A Course in Miracles, there is no such thing as a neutral thought. Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts shape our reality in every moment. They either contribute to peace, love, and growth, or they add to fear, limitation, and conflict.

This teaching reminds us that our thoughts are the foundation of the reality we experience. When we choose love over fear, our external world reflects that decision. The words we speak are extensions of our thoughts and carry the same creative power. Our words either uplift and heal or contribute to the very limitations we are trying to break free from.

Imagine your thoughts as seeds. When you plant thoughts rooted in love and possibility, you nurture a life of growth, abundance, and joy. But when your thoughts are based in fear, doubt, or negativity, you create a garden that withers or is taken over by weeds. It’s up to us to become aware of this creative process and actively choose thoughts that support our highest good.

So, how can we harness the power of our thoughts and words?

  1. Become Conscious: You are not your thoughts you are the one noticing your thoughts. Are they aligned with love and peace, or are they based in fear and limitation? Once you become aware, you can consciously shift them.

  2. Speak with Intention: Words have energy. Before speaking, pause and consider: Does this word uplift or bring down? Am I reinforcing fear, or am I choosing to speak from a place of love and trust?

  3. Affirmations: Question the validity of the unconscious thoughts. Become clear on what you want and use positive affirmations to train your mind to focus in a new way.

  4. Repetition: This is like building muscle, you have to continue to go to the gym and increase the weights!

Remember, every thought and word you engage with is a choice. Choose to create a reality filled with love, growth, and peace. As A Course in Miracles teaches, “Your mind is the means by which you determine the kind of world you live in.”

Much Love,



A Conversation with Frustration: How to Turn Negative Emotions into Allies
