Misery Loves Company

I just caught a meaningful glimpse of the old saying misery loves company in an interaction I had in my life! This also brought to mind all the times I sought the company of misery by spewing out all things negative with family and friends over the years.

It feels so gratifying and therapeutic in the moment to have a gripe session with a friend and I am not saying we should or shouldn’t have these moments of release, but what I have noticed is that these sessions don’t generally give clarity or forward momentum in any positive way unless we have a friend that challenges us to think outside of ourselves for a bit.

Negativity has an energy at a level that keeps us stuck. There is no solution seeking when our focus is on negative verbal assaults against something or someone.


I have found that when I look at my negative emotions as a lesson or a messenger of sorts I can move into solution seeking as opposed to destructive thinking. I start with asking questions such as: 

  • Why is this bothering me?

  • What can I learn from this?

  • What is the other side of this gripe and is this actually my problem or is it just something I heard that I am making mean something about me?

  • Is there any truth in this complaint of mine or is it a story I am telling myself?

  • What is the solution?

Being open to exploring in this way creates new ways of thinking and solution seeking which in turn is a much more empowering way to move forward!

If this resonates with you, let’s connect!


Inner Guidance


The Driver’s Seat