For some of us December is a full month of preparing and celebrating. For others it is a time of unmet expectations and loneliness. Either way, we have authority over what we want to feel by the thoughts we choose to think. Our thoughts create how we experience each day and all of it is necessary and useful when we are willing to fully embrace the experience of being human. When we are willing to learn through it all we stop making it a test and start embracing it as a playground of learning.

So no matter where you are in this month of December embrace it all, the good and bad days, the laughter and the quiet moments, the grief and the joy. When we can embrace it all we have a richer and fuller experience!

One way I have found to address the not so good feelings is by asking the one and only question that is necessary……If love were to shine down and through your fear, worry, anxiety, sadness……, what would it say to YOU?

These are some of the ways Love has answered my questions…..

  • You’re not alone

  • You have been here before and it didn’t last very long

  • Each day is a new beginning

  • Stop doing and just start being

  • This is just a bump to startle you so you remember love is always an option

  • You can’t feel fear and love at the same time

  • This is just a nudge to course correct

  • Trust in yourself and your inner guidance

  • You always have had what you needed at the exact moment you needed it

  • You need to open doors if you don’t want to feel closed in

  • Beauty is found in it all when you let go of the notion that something has gone wrong

Take some time for stillness and reflection and let LOVE speak to you!

Happiest of Holidays to you all!!

If this resonates with you, I would be honored to be a part of your journey, let’s connect!

Much Love, 



Change takes Commitment
