The Quest for Happiness

When life is not matching up with the vision we hold in our heads we find ourselves searching.

We all have an idea in our heads of what our life should look like and most often we find ourselves wanting something different than what our current life situation is offering us.

This all stems from a thought that we aren’t doing something right because we are not feeling happy, or we don’t have the money we think will make us happy, or our kids aren’t as happy as we think they should be, or our friends seem better off than we do, or this shouldn’t be happening to me, and on and on the list goes.

This constant seeking of happiness takes us outside of ourselves looking for external things to change so we can feel better.

But here is the good news in all of this; our lives are not better or worse in the having or not having of external things and circumstances!! 

Are all wealthy people happy - No. So money does not create happiness.

Are we only happy when our children are happy - No. So their happiness does not create our own.

Does the right house or right clothes make us happy - No. There are plenty of people in beautiful clothes and beautiful houses that are not happy.

What if we could let go of the idea that happiness is the end all be all goal we are all looking for?

Do we really want to feel happy when we hear of other’s suffering, or when a loved one receives a terminal diagnosis, or when a friend is in a terrible accident, or when we see a child being bullied - Absolutely not. 

What if the goal was to take on the fullness of this human experience and feel all of the emotions that are part of this earthly journey and embrace them all.

When we stop pushing against what is, we find ourselves more connected with ourselves and others and through this connection we find we have all we need to move into our most authentic self. This is when life gets exciting, this is when change is on the way, this is when we really start creating the life we are longing for.

This is the search that leads most of my clients to me. If this resonates with you, let’s connect!


Feeling Stuck


Making Difficult Decisions